Beak Street


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Planning permission was now been granted for the remodelling of M&C Saatchi’s London Headquarters Building, located at 36 Golden Square, W1.

The proposal looks to refurbish a Grade II listed building fronting onto the square, together with the demolition of the Beak Street annex located immediately to the rear. In its place a new building will be erected that will not only provide state of the art office accommodation for the agency but also a significant element of retail space. Once complete the development will produce a new synergy between the historic and contemporary elements placed on the site. This addition will also reinforce the local street scene by adding a flagship store to this bustling shopping destination. The development will finally complete the view looking down Carnaby Street.

The principal façade will combine such diverse materials as corten street, ETFC cushions, photo-voltaic panels and structural glazed components, supported on a complex geometric diagrid that gently curves away from the street edge into the site as the building rises from Ground to 5 storeys.

  • Filed under: Play, Recycle, Work